Logo Design | Business

Today is a HAPPY, HAPPY day!!! Y'all, I am SO excited to present to you my NEW LOGO & my REDESIGNED website!!! 

I have been dreaming and designing with Taylor Schumann, owner of Letters of Grace Calligraphy, for months now!! I can't believe my logo is finished, and real, and on my website!!! AND it's even more beautiful than I could have ever imagined it would be!! 

Here are a few different versions of my logo!! Taylor is SO talented!! She gave me so many options, and these are my favorites!!! I LOVE the black logo  with a blush background (pictured here on my site)...but I'm also in love with the gold foil logo with a black background!! I guess I'll just have to find a reason to use both! ;)

Let me brag on Taylor for a minute...  She is an amazing, creative, sweet, and oh so talented calligrapher/designer who loves the Lord, and you can tell that when working with her.  She put in so much time and effort (and put up with my millions of emails!) throughout this design process! Not only did Taylor help me design my logo- she helped me explore my business goals and get down to the HEART of why I am doing what I'm doing!  My vision for my business is that it will, first and foremost, serve the Lord.  I'm not sure exactly how it will serve Him & His purposes yet, but I pray that all of my actions, words, and decisions bring Him glory! I might not ever know exactly how God plans to use me or my business, but I am confident that He has a plan for my business and my life that is GREATER than anything I can imagine! (Proverbs 3:5-6) I also want to meet people through my business- make new friends and create lasting relationships with clients and others in the industry!  I have so much more to learn, and I pray that there will be a lot of business exploration & growth in my future!! 

That brings me to my final point (and one of the reasons that I am SO thankful for my friendship with Taylor)...the Creative at Heart Conference!!!!! I am SO excited to be attending this conference in January and SO grateful that Taylor told me about it several months ago!! She and Katherine Schmoyer, owner of Dear Sweetheart Events, made this conference happen! They have worked so hard, and I am so excited to meet, dream, and learn with all of the other creatives attending the conference!! 

So, THANK YOU to Taylor for my beautiful logo (and for so many other things)!  

You can click on her photo below to view her website! I've also included the link to the Creative at Heart Conference website (just click on the picture)! It is sold out for this January...but I hear that there may be a 'round two' in the works!!! ;)

Thanks for visiting my site! I hope to work with you soon!! 

xo- A