Baby White | Newborn Session

Well, this was my last official session of 2016, and it was a great one, y’all!! I met Julie and her family a couple of months ago for her maternity portraits, and I couldn’t wait to see them again for her baby girl’s newborn session! 

I say this all the time, and I know I’m biased, but I think I have the best clients!! ;)  Julie had so much to talk about during both her maternity and newborn sessions, and I left the Whites' house a few weeks ago feeling like I had made a new friend! Clients who turn into friends... I just LOVE my job!!

I arrived at Julie & Brandon's home just just a few days before Christmas to photograph Baby A, and y’all, she’s PRECIOUS! 

We started with the 'baby only' photos since her big sister was taking her nap, and then we wrapped up the afternoon with the ‘lifestyle’ photos of the family! I’ve had several newborn clients this year that have had both a newborn and a young child…like two years old or younger!  If you’re thinking that it could potentially be tricky to wrangle a two year old AND a newborn baby for photos…you’re right! ;)  Trying to catch everyone smiling (or at least not wiggling/crying, ha!) can be a challenge, but it’s one that I LOVE!  I cannot tell you how many times the lifestyle images end up being my favorites!! And newborns with their older siblings?! It’s just too cute!  

Here are my favorites from my time with the sweet White family!! Congratulations on your newest precious bundle of joy, y’all!! 

Her little cheeks are just precious! 

I love this little bow! 

This beautiful blanket was hand knitted by Baby A's grandmother! Isn't it beautiful?! I love it when my clients choose to incorporate special, sentimental items into sessions! 

Big sister! Isn't she adorable?! 

Big smiles for baby sister!

This one is a favorite! 

Another favorite!