Beckett | Newborn Session

Okay, y’all…baby Beckett was probably one of the easiest (if not the easiest!) babies I have ever photographed!  And I’ve photographed a LOT of newborn babies, haha!  

During a newborn session, there is usually (99 percent of the time, ha!) some crying, soothing, feeding, etc., because we’re working with newborn babies!! Those things are expected, and they’re what make each baby and newborn session unique! :) Newborn sessions definitely aren’t ’one size fits all’ experience, and that keeps things interesting and makes them fun!

 I’m sitting here trying to remember if Beckett even made a peep during his session…and I don’t think he did!! That’s a first!

He snuggled right up to his mommy & daddy for the first half of his session, and then he snuggled right into the basket for his ‘baby only’ photos! 

They were less than two weeks into parenting, and I could tell that Kaitlin & Justin make an amazing team! Little Beckett is blessed to have them as his parents! 

Kaitlin & Justin, thank you so much for asking me to photograph your precious baby boy! :)