Ellie's First Two Weeks | Ellie Mae Today

Friends! Our fuzzy little cutiepie has been with us for almost two weeks now!! It’s hard to believe that it’s only been that long, because she’s such a huge part of our family already! We love her to pieces and she has brought so much joy into our lives!!

I’ve decided to start a little series (Ellie Mae Today) so that we can document and remember all of the fun things going on while she’s a little pup! Also- a blog post is great, because I can post lots & lots of images in one place instead of posting a million to Instagram! ;) Trying my best over here to keep the puppy posts under control! 

Ellie Mae Today: 11 Weeks

Ellie’s Favorite Things:

Socks - Ellie discovered socks at the beginning of this week, and I think they might be her most favorite thing of all! When she gets one, she runs around the house like she’s found a little treasure! It’s hilarious!

Snuggles- This little one is a snuggle bug, and she wants to be touching us at all times- whether it’s being in our laps or curled up by our feet! It’s so stinkin’ precious! 

Leaves- Ellie is obsessed with leaves! We can’t be in the yard for 2 seconds before she’s found one to pounce on and play with! And she LOVES chasing them when they blow in the wind!

Mushrooms- (cue the facepalm!) Baby girl loves digging for mushrooms…which is why we started having her wear a harness and using a leash every. single. time. we go outside! After chasing her around the yard and pulling them out of her mouth (because you never know if you’re poisonous or not!) we decided for her safety (and our sanity) a leash was a good option!

Biting & chewing everything!! - I think this is her favorite activity (besides being snuggled!)…Ellie can’t walk by something without taking a little taste ;) We’ve puppy proofed our house, of course, but she still seems to find things to chew on…like rugs, furniture, bedspreads, etc.! We keep her in the room with us at all times so that we can keep an eye on our little chew monster! Oh what a sweet little handful she has been! ;) 

Naps- Ellie loves to nap and she does not like it very much when Robert and I play with her to keep her up before bedtime! That is the only time she will try to be in a room by herself so that she can snooze :) 

Other little notes:

-Ellie has finally started to recognize and respond to her name! YAY! 

-She's learned the words potty & off (although she doesn't like that one, because she'd give anything to snuggle with us on the couch!) 

-Ellie is growing fast!! At her first vet appointment she was 11.4 lbs and a week later she was 14! We're going to have a big pup on our hands! She's gotten to the point that I have to almost always hold her with two arms! Crazy! 


And now for the fun part...PICTURES!!! 

Puppy Photos | Ashley Powell Photography | Roanoke, VA

Ellie loves my phone!! I got the Otterbox case when I was a nanny...it's proving to be puppy proof, too! 

That little face!! 

Ellie actually poses for pictures!! It makes my little photographer heart so happy!

Puppy Photos | Ashley Powell Photography | Roanoke, VA

Her favorite place to nap is under my desk chair while I'm working!

Puppy Photos | Ashley Powell Photography | Roanoke, VA

I told you!! She's a ham!! Look at her winking at the camera! Really though- I have no idea how this shot happened!!!! 

Puppy Photos | Ashley Powell Photography | Roanoke, VA
Puppy Photos | Ashley Powell Photography | Roanoke, VA

Leaf girl!! She's mid frolick in this one!

There's a full on run! Probably because she saw my camera strap...she loves to chew on it! ;)

Puppy Photos | Ashley Powell Photography | Roanoke, VA

One of my all time favorite photos! Love those little puppy wrinkles! 

Puppy Photos | Ashley Powell Photography | Roanoke, VA

Ellie helped me hand out candy to our trick-or-treaters! 

Puppy Photos | Ashley Powell Photography | Roanoke, VA

She's getting bigger and more sophisticated!! Look at that sweet face! 

Puppy Photos | Ashley Powell Photography | Roanoke, VA