Emily | Business Headshots

Friends! I am so excited to introduce my new friend (and fellow photographer) Emily!! She is the heart behind Emily Marie Photography, her NEW business!  I met Emily at the Creative at Heart conference just a few weeks ago, and we've become great friends!  Let me brag on this sweet girl for a second…she has done so much for her business in the short time since C@H at the beginning of this month! She's created a website, a Facebook page, and she invested in her business by upgrading her camera!  I am so proud of her and in AWE of all she has accomplished in just three weeks…yes, THREE! 

At the conference Emily and I talked about the possibility of getting together for headshots, because she was needing some for business.  Because she lives in Charlottesville and I'm from Roanoke, we decided to meet half way…in Lynchburg!  I had never been to the downtown area of Lynchburg before, and let me tell you…I LOVED it!!  The historic area has some great buildings and different architecture that are a DREAM for portraits!  We didn't even get to explore half of the city because we were short on time and it was so cold, so I'm planning another trip back there this spring/summer!  

While in Lynchburg we met up with another photographer, Megan Vaughn!  The story of how we met is actually pretty neat!  Megan had a coaching session with Katelyn James, and she asked if Katelyn knew any photographers in the area.  Katelyn mentioned me, and Megan emailed me on Thursday morning!! Emily and I just HAPPENED to be visiting Lynchburg that Friday, so we decided to meet up! Less than 24 hours later we were all together sharing stories over coffee at the cutest little coffee shop in Lynchburg!  How about that timing?!  Megan was so much fun and shared several helpful tips and tricks with Em & I!  It was amazing!  

I had so much fun taking Em's head shots…she has such a genuine, sweet smile and her adorable personality just shines through the images!  I can already tell that with her ambition, talent, and sweet personality, Em's going to do big things!  Here are some of my favorites from her session! 

Here's a fun fact: for the photos in this grassy area we were having to constantly pay attention to where we were stepping...because we were shooting in a 'designated doggy area'!  Em is a fellow photographer, which means she knows that sometimes you have to be adventurous to get the shot!  The good news is that we walked away poo free! ;)