Gabrielle | 2018 Senior Representative Session

We started Gabby’s session at one of my favorite locations (it’s private property that our friends let us use, and I am SO thankful!), and right as we got out of the car, I noticed how WINDY it was!! I am always a fan of a light breeze during sessions, because a) it can make the summer heat more bearable and b) when it blows just right it can give hair this beautiful windblown look…like you’d see in a magazine! 

But, this was not that kind of wind! It was the kind that blows ALL of your hair across your face…constantly…no matter how many times you put it behind your ear! Ha! We must have been standing in some kind of wind tunnel! We decided to shift gears and head to a different spot at the same location, and while it was still breezy, it wasn’t CRAZY windy like before! If you have long hair and have ever ridden in a convertible with your hair down or just been out on a really windy day, you know how frustrating it can be when your hair is constantly whipping across your face, but Gabby was such a good sport! 

Once we shifted gears, we ended up with some BEAUTIFUL images that had that perfect amount of breeziness without it looking like Gabby was about to be blown away! ;) 

Gabby’s session was my 2nd senior representative session this year, and I am so excited for y’all to meet her! She’s so sweet, beautiful on the inside and out, and she’s a great addition to the APP Senior Rep Team for 2018! :) 

As always, I interviewed her for the blog, and I love the responses she came up with for the questions! (Santorini Greece is on my bucket list of places to visit!) 


What are you most looking forward to about your senior year? 

      I'm looking forward to my last year of dancing. I can't believe how fast these past few years have gone. I'm sad it'll be my last year but I'm so excited to make new memories with my friends and dance new roles in the upcoming year. After having hip surgery my sophomore year I realized how little time I had left to do what I love. This next year, I plan on really enjoying what I do and making it the best year yet. 


If you could have given yourself one piece of advice as a freshman, what would that advice be? 

       I would tell myself to enjoy high school and not wish it away. These past three years have gone by so fast and it's sad to think I only have one year left.  I would also tell myself to not get caught up in the popularity and drama. Instead find who your real friends are. I never realized how fast high school would actually go.


Who is someone you really look up to and why? 

      I look up to my mom. She is such a hard worker, successful, and the best mom anyone could have. She's one of my biggest supporters and I couldn't thank her enough for what she does. My mom is my role model and has made me the person I am today. I love her so much. 


What is your favorite song right now? 

Most Girls by Hailee Steinfeld
(You can click the song title to listen to Gabby's favorite song as you browse her photos!)


If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

      I would go to Santorini, Greece. Ever since  I was little my favorite movie has been The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Part of the movie takes place in Greece and I think it is just so pretty with the clear blue waters and the white villages. I would love to go there when I'm older.


Have you thought about what you're going to do after high school? If so, what would you like to do? 

     I plan to go to a 4 year university either out-of-state or in-state. The majors I have thought about are pharmacy and business because I LOVE chemistry and math.