Mama Musings: Jack's 2nd Month

Our little Jack Jack is two months old today!! He has gotten so much more expressive lately, and we’re loving all of his little grins! Here’s his two month update! 


New this month: 

  • Smiling! —  Jack started smiling about 2 weeks ago, and his grins are the cutest! For the first day or two he would only smile at daddy (and he still saves his biggest grins for him!), but now he’s smiling at me throughout the day, and it just melts my heart! 
  • Rolling from belly to back! — This happened when Jack was 6 weeks old! He surprised us and himself by pushing himself over during tummy time! He’s not the biggest fan of tummy time, and he is strong, so we think he just got tired of it and decided it was time to lay on his back again! ;) He’s rolled several time since then, but he hasn’t rolled from back to belly yet! (We hopefully still have some time before that happens!)
  • Sleeping through the night! — I think Jack’s first overnight stretch happened when he was between 4 & 5 weeks old! We think that his sleeping through the night is thanks to the Mom’s On Call book! One of my clients told me about this book and how it was pure gold! We LOVE it, and it has been so helpful not only for sleep but for other recommendations & questions we’ve had as new parents! Now, don’t get me wrong, sometimes he’ll fuss at around 3 or 4am and I’ll have to go pop his paci in and soothe him a little bit, but he typically goes right back to sleep. It’s amazing, and I never thought a baby this young could sleep like that! But after reading success story after success story from people who have used this book, I think it’s definitely not just a ‘fluke’! Jack will sleep from around 9pm until 6/7am! 

P.S. We started implementing the things in this book when Jack was around 3.5 weeks old, because until then, we were just in survival mode!! 

Here’s the link to learn more!

  • "I have hands!" -- Just in the past week or so Jack has started to notice his hands!  He's especially interested in them when he's in his car seat :) It is so amazing and fun to watch him discover the world around him! 

And now my favorite part…photos! Here are some of my favorites (both iPhone and camera) from Jack’s second month! 

baby jack two months old |
baby jack two months old |
baby jack two months old |
baby jack two months old |
baby jack two months old |

My new favorite photo, haha!

baby jack two months old |

He's getting heavier and heavier these days! I think he's close to 12lbs!  We'll see what his official weight is at the doctor next week! But those little rolls and cheeks make me so happy!

baby jack two months old |

Jack at 8 Weeks

baby jack two months old |

We LOVE bath time!

iphone photos from Jack's 2nd month!

P.S. I realized when I was writing this that I never did a “1 Month” post for Jack!! We’ll chalk that up to trying to figure out how to be a mom and sleep deprivation! ;) But that post will be coming soon!