Taylor | Senior Session

Taylor and I chatted over email for several months before her shoot, and the more we corresponded, the more excited I got for her session! I could just tell that she had the sweetest personality and that we were going to have a great session! And when we finally met in person, right away I knew that I had been correct!! Taylor was so much fun to work with, and she has such a gorgeous, genuine smile! She was also game for anything…climbing on fences, standing in the middle of the road, doing her best ‘hahaha’ laugh for the majority of her session (she was SO good at it!)…it was wonderful!! It’s always a fun time when my senior girls are excited about their session! 

Taylor scheduled her senior portraits for later in the fall, and I love that she made that decision!! The leaves were gorgeous, and we got some of that golden glow that you can only get with the fall sun and changing leaves!! (I am all heart eyes over here!)

I'm so excited to share my favorites from Taylor's fall session!

Taylor, you're gorgeous, girl!! 

This one is a favorite!

So cute!!

LOVE this one!!

That light!!! 

Another favorite!